Category Archives: Service

Graduate School Panel: Mentoring in Action

On Wednesday, November 7th, I will be joining two of my English department colleagues to talk to our students about graduate school. Together, we’ll be offering honest advice about whether or not to pursue an MA, MFA, or PhD, and giving tips on what to know prior to starting an academic career. I’m looking forward to sharing my experience and hearing what questions Siena’s students have about grad school!

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Canvas Demo

For the Spring 2015 semester, I had the opportunity to use Canvas, an educational learning platform, as part of a pilot program through Purdue University’s Information Technology department. In addition to using the program in my English 106 class, I gave an information presentation evaluating the pros and cons of my experience with Canvas to members of the University who were not participating in the pilot but wanted to learn about the program. Below is a video of that presentation, given at Purdue on April 2, 2015.