Monthly Archives: October 2018

Spring 2019 Teaching Flyers

I’m super excited about the courses I will be teaching at Siena in the spring. In addition to teaching Writing 100 again (with a theme of conspiracy theories which my students are really enjoying!), I am also teaching a Short Story class focused on science fiction, and I’m putting together a brand new course on Rhetoric and Social media! Stay tuned for syllabi and assignment sheets on my teaching page (coming January 2019).

SEA Junior Scholar of the Month!

This month I was honored to be recognized as the Society of Early Americanists’ Junior Scholar of the Month. I was nominated by a scholar in the field, and provided an interview to the SEA. You can read it here:

Working with the SEA is part of my ongoing dedication to service in the field. I am privileged to be able to work with such generous, inspirational scholars! Stacey Dearing Junior Scholar of the Month Oct 2018


Mary Prince Google Doodle!

I don’t usually get excited about Google Doodles, but yesterday they honored Mary Prince’s 230th birthday. Prince was the first black woman to publish a slave narrative in England, and was an ardent abolitionist. Here’s a quote from the Google piece that stands out:

“I have been a slave myself,” Prince wrote in The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave. “I know what slaves feel—I can tell by myself what other slaves feel, and by what they have told me. The man that says slaves be quite happy in slavery—that they don’t want to be free—that man is either ignorant or a lying person. I never heard a slave say so.”